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KeyBlock by Vanacci

KeyBlock - The RFID  Car Key Case - Now Available on Indiegogo

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There’s been a 30% increase in keyless car theft in the past two years - That's why we've created KeyBlock.

We were asked to look into a specific problem by a customer - "Can you make an RFID safe case for my Lexus key that looks good?" We were shocked to find the only options for protective cases were plastic pouches or aluminium boxes.

Enter KeyBlock. The best looking and most functional RFID car key case available.

- Blocks RFID signals to keep your keys safe from keyless car theft.
- Uses the same leathers from Aston Martin & Tesla
- Intuitive ejection system
- Handmade in the UK
- Free personalisation
- Multiple sizes to suit any key fob.

When you go to bed at night, you fully expect your car to be there waiting for you in the morning. You have your coffee, maybe an extra slice of toast than usual and then it's out the door you go. And it's gone.

"Where is it?" you say to yourself. No alarm. No broken glass. The house is secure. You have the keys in your hand. How?

Key signal relaying, that's how.

Don’t become another statistic.

Keep your key in KeyBlock.

We are now successfully funded, but you can still buy keyblock on our store using the link below

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