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The Secret To Style For Fall 2018

by Ryan Ward February 09, 2018 1 min read

The Secret To Style For Fall 2018

It might seem a long while off (for those in the Northern hemisphere at any rate), but it's time to start looking to the future (specifically autumn) for what is the must have piece of clothing.

Surprisingly, it's a fairly cheap addition to your wardrobe. In fact, you might already have some of these (you need two), which means you're well ahead of the curve.

White socks. 

That's it.

Men, wearing suits with multicoloured socks

You're doing it wrong!

According to our good friends at GQ, white socks are gonna be the thing to be seen wearing come autumn. Pair your...pair with a pair of cropped trousers and you'll be cooking on gas in no time!

You can pick up a pair or set of white socks pretty cheap. Think Sports Direct if you're here in the UK or perhaps Primark. If you want to really go for it though, you can't go wrong with this pair from Balenciagawhich are whiter than rice in a glass of milk on a paper plate in a snowstorm.

If you're less about the socks and more about upping/maintaining your suit game, Esquire have some choice words that'll keep you on the straight-and-narrow when you want to look your best with The 5 Biggest Mistakes Men Make With Their Suits

Ryan Ward
Ryan Ward

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