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Wedge Dowel, Boring Flamethrower, Sprezzatura & Monopoly For Cheaters

by Ryan Ward February 01, 2018 2 min read

Wedge Dowel, Boring Flamethrower, Sprezzatura & Monopoly For Cheaters

This past week has seen the passing of a titan in the design world. Ingvar Kamprad, founder of IKEA, helped revolutionise interiors with design and manufacturing approaches that brought down the cost of living comfortably and fashionably.

As always, IKEA are innovating their designs to bring greater value and often, more efficient construction of their designs. Their latest move, the Wedge Dowel, will remove the need for screws, traditional dowels and fiddly allen keys in many of their products.


Do you like hats? Do you like rockets? How about high-speed subterranean transit infrastructure? Well, if you're on-board with those things, you'll be wanting Elon Musk's Boring Company Flamethrower. I don't know what the legal ramifications of owning these are (I can imagine they're frowned upon here in the UK to say the least) but hey, why not?


The Grammys rolled around once more this past week with some serious swag occurring on the red carpet (looking at you, Migos ). If you're looking for style pointers for this year, here's a great start thanks to GQ.

Sprezzatura. What is it? How can I be apart of this fashion movement? Well, thankfully, Gentleman's Gazette have got you covered. One definition could be dressing with style but appearing effortless in the approach. You should definitely check out their dos and don'ts and take your style to the next level this year.

Gentleman's Gazette also have a complimentary style e-book available.

Now, if you're technically minded and half decent with tools, it's easy to mod stuff to your needs. But sometimes, it's more of a want than a need. Do children's cars, that don't have a motor, need to have 15 bhp engines? Well, yes, they do, if you're German lunatics the Real Life Guys. Alongside many, many other ludicrous projects, motorising this humble child's toy is exactly what 2018 needs. 


And finally, who doesn't love Capitalism: The Game, aka Monopoly? Everyone does. Who wants to cheat at Monopoly? Everyone! 

Now an official Monopoly for Cheaters exists, with new cards indicating what cheat you have to employ. Examples include taking an extra $100 when you pass Go, stealing from the bank, and moving another player's piece on your go. If you get caught, you're nicked. Fun fun fun! 

Ryan Ward
Ryan Ward

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