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What We Learned This Week: Hoverboards (again), Beach Pewter Casting & Flexible Cameras

by Ryan Ward April 22, 2016 1 min read

What We Learned This Week: Hoverboards (again), Beach Pewter Casting & Flexible Cameras


Since everyone wants a hoverboard (or more accurately, they want to be one), here's another one to keep us satisfied until the technology is eventually outlawed by the fun police the minute it becomes affordable.

Maybe, as a lot of the comments are saying, this isn't real, but in the end, who cares? And don't forget, who would lie on the internet?

More dangerous activities conducted in public can be found in casting pewter on a beach. This is something that James here at Vanacci really wants to do and unfortunately, I'll have to help move his ridiculously heavy creations once they're cast.

The weight of our friendship is heavy upon my shoulders

Impressive though. I don't know how many people would want a solid pewter desk that weighs 180kg but what do you get the man who has everything?


And finally, flexible cameras. This technology has a lot of potential and it's early days yet but very promising. However, maybe someone can instil some enthusiasm into its presentation? I feel that the guy in this video just doesn't appreciate what they have.


That's about it for this week.


Ryan Ward
Ryan Ward

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