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What We Learned This Week: Tinysaurs, 5D Digital Storage and 3D Printed Ears

by Ryan Ward February 18, 2016 1 min read

What We Learned This Week: Tinysaurs, 5D Digital Storage and 3D Printed Ears


I remember having small wooden dinosaur models as a kid. You had to build them yourself and they just slotted together, no glue. I miss those. I think you can still get them from the St. John's Centre in Leeds sometimes...

In the meantime, you could get yourself a Tinysaur to replace the loss of your childhood wonderment.

In the meantime, you're probably wondering how you'll back up an immense amount of data forever. My floppy disc warehouses are crammed full of important Excel files but now we can have 5D data storage. Proper loads of storage possibilities thanks to research at the University of Southampton.

    And some slightly more important documents have been saved as well.

Apparently, up to 360 Terabytes will last for 13.8 billion years at 190 degrees Celsius. That's how warm I keep my data anyway.

Back in the realm of 3D, after growing them on mice was probably too gross, humans decided to print new body parts, including ears.

3D Printed Ear

Still gross...

This means that instead of waiting for organs that are a match, we're one step closer to having readily available hearts, lungs, heads, fingers and elbows. The power of science really is an incredible thing. I could be covered in ears if I wanted.

See you next week,



Ryan Ward
Ryan Ward

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