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New Finishes For Exo

by Ryan Ward November 16, 2017 1 min read

New Finishes For Exo

At the time of writing, our Exo campaign is over £20,000. To have such a level of support in such a short space of time is incredible and we want to give more options to our backers as thank you for believing in us.

Our first Carbon campaign featured a variety of metalwork and configurations which we'd like to see come back. Among the metal options are brass and copper.

Carbon Exo Signature Copper & Brass

Brass and copper both patina to create unique finishes that would make each Exo wallet completely different to the next. The more they're used, the more varied and interesting the patina would become.

We've introduced brass at £16,000 in the campaign and copper at £17,500. 

Furthermore, we've brought back another design from the original campaign. The Signature range was a huge hit back in the day and we've knocked up some renders of what they could look like.

Carbon Exo Signature In Steel with Mach, TT and Abyss Leather

Introducing the Signature option at £20,000, every model can be selected as Signature, including brass, copper and gold. This central strip of metal provides a beautiful eye-catching line straight down the centre of the wallet, making the design all the more striking.

So, if you're interested in seeing these designs come to life, check out our campaign and tell everybody to get on board and bring Exo to life.

Ryan Ward
Ryan Ward

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