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Top 5 Cities to Visit this Year

by Ryan Ward March 24, 2017 2 min read

Top 5 Cities to Visit this Year

Top 5 Cities to Visit this Year

With winter almost behind us, now is the perfect time of year to plan your travel for 2017. Studies show that having trips to look forward to help us with day to day motivation and positivity, giving us something to look forward to, with a reward for all our hard work in sight.
Start planning your adventures for the year now, with our top five cities to visit in 2017…

 Paris, France

Paris at Night

Paris has come top of the list this year, and it’s not the first time either. The European city is fantastically dynamic, offering a vibrant nightlife, intellectualism, art and culture and boasts a rich history. The 2015 attacks has seen a decrease in tourism in Paris though, and so it’s more crucial than ever before to support tourism in the city. 


Bristol, England


Known as the UK’s most forward thinking and innovative cities, Bristol was rated as the best city to visit in the UK this year. If you want to plan a trip a little closer to home, Bristol provides a great option. Known for its street art, Bristol is the home of Banksy and also Up Fest, the festival that celebrates and encourages street art across the walls of the city. In addition, the city is rich in history and boasts several iconic landmarks, including the famous suspension bridge.

Antwerp, Belgium

Antwerp at night

Often forgotten about because of nearby Brussels, as a city Antwerp has a lot to offer. As home to one of the globe’s biggest ports dating back to the middle ages, visually Antwerp is truly stunning. With stunning examples of Gothic architecture, Antwerp is cultural fascinating. In addition, the city has a lively nightlife, and has been carved out as one of the fashion capitals of the world. This beautiful, creative and lively city is well worth a visit in 2017.


Atlanta, USA

Atlanta at night

If you’re looking to venture out of Europe this year, Atlanta offers a pretty good destination. Often overlooked as a holiday destination, in the last few years Atlanta has greatly grown, with regeneration initiatives bringing the city to life. You’ll find some of the best restaurants in the whole of the USA in Atlanta and it has an amazing music scene too, making it the ideal destination for foodies or music lovers.


Palma, Mallorca


Quite different to the rest of Mallorca, Palma is a lively city and home to more than half of the island’s population. With wonderfully warm weather most of the year round, Palma also boasts jaw dropping architecture and a spectacular food scene. New food and drink focused establishments are springing up across the city, including San Juan Gastronomic Market, where you’ll find 17 unique food stalls, cocktail bars and even a kitchen to take cooking lessons.


Ryan Ward
Ryan Ward

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