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Travel Checklist: Every Day Carry

by Ryan Ward May 10, 2018 1 min read

Travel Checklist: Every Day Carry

Wherever it is you're off to on your trip, whether work or play, or both, hot or cold, long haul or short stop, you need to have your stuff together.

There's a lot of options for travel wallets and many, with the greatest of respect, are somewhat unsightly. Why sacrifice the look of your wallet just because it fulfils a purpose?

Well, we have a solution. Two, actually, but more on that in three sentences time. 

If you need everything in one location while you travel from one to another, you're set with our travel wallet. Passport, notebook, cash, cards, pen, business cards and more can all be stored discreetly and stylishly in our travel wallet.

Taking cash out of, Vanacci Travel wallet

While you're there, it might not be practical to carry everything around with you, just the essentials. Trim down for the day with Tasca, our tiny, compact wallet that still carries everything you'll need for the day, evening or both.

Vanacci travel wallets on beach in orange cork, brown leather and Carbon Leather.

Still, you'll need to put all your other stuff in something in order to get it there. If only there was a thing to put it all in that you could take with you...

We've got bags as well.

I'd recommend the duffel in this case, perfect for either neatly folded or violently shoved-in clothes, depending on how quickly you have to go.

Vanacci Duffel bag loaded for holiday on a super yacht

What else is there? Oh yeah, sunglasses!

Vanacci Wood sunglasses with blue tint lenses worn on the beach

We've recently put out two ranges of sunglasses, all focussed around sustainable wood in their frames. Choose from bamboo or laminate beech for a multi-coloured approach to your shade style.


Ryan Ward
Ryan Ward

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