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What We Learned This Week : Nuclear Fusion, The Spectral Gap & Bill Gates

by Ryan Ward December 10, 2015 1 min read

What We Learned This Week : Nuclear Fusion, The Spectral Gap & Bill Gates


Lots of science and nerdery this week, starting with some serious nuclear fusion reactor design.

Prometheus makes even less sense now...

In keeping with physics, it turns out that my long held belief that in the end, it all boils down to maths, ones and zeroes, true and false, is in fact wrong. There is, or are, it would seem, problems that are mathematically unsolvable.

I'm not very good at maths but you can always be sure that something is either true or false when you observe it (not the same as the Copenhagen Interpretation of quantum mechanics...I think).

Turing apparently determined that '...certain mathematical questions are `undecidable’ – they are neither true nor false, but are beyond the reach of mathematics code.'

So, there's some stuff we will never figure out. You can read the full article here 

Prometheus Magic Flute

Just like in Prometheus! Space flute!

And finally, nerdlord supreme Bill Gates has stepped up his game and put forward $2 billion for research and development of renewable energy, saying the 1% should foot the bill. I can't find a problem with the whole thing really, I suppose it's a welcome bit of good news.

Bill Gates Mugshot

Soz 'ard...

See you next week,


Ryan Ward
Ryan Ward

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