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Carbon Exo

by Ryan Ward October 19, 2017 1 min read

Carbon Exo

It's taken three years to get to this point.

Carbon Exo Maximus with carbon fiber look leather, showing front back and inside

Back in September 2014, we launched Carbon on Kickstarter, joining a revolution of minimal, functional wallets. 

Since then, our mission has been to improve upon and deliver even better versions of Carbon.


The first major upgrade was Evo, which replaced the classic Carbon in November 2015. From there, we continued to improve upon Evo while looking to introduce a popular model from the original campaign.

Carbon Exo, Ejecting 5 cards handheld, back lit in blue

Historically, Carbon in every form has been about carrying as little as you need. We chalked that up as three cards internally. We knew that many people out there wanted more internal storage, but our original Carbon and the Evo model just didn't cut it, as far as we were concerned, when it came to increasing the storage.

Carbon Exo Maximus, filling and using gif animation

So, after all these years and multiple shelved ideas and projects, today we can finally introduce a higher capacity wallet that keeps your valuables secure, uses high grade materials and offers to keep going for a lifetime.

Exo has now been realised and is available exclusively on Kickstarter.

Carbon Exo Maximus, showing back wallet with cash and RFID active Pocket

Ryan Ward
Ryan Ward

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