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Success on Kickstarter: The Factory Rumbles Into Life

by Enter Legacy November 17, 2014 2 min read


30 days of 24/7 care, love and attention are what are needed to oversee a Kickstarter campaign. But by no means do those three things ensure success. You can love something, feed it and water it and then watch it die like a houseplant or Tamagotchi. Some Tamagotchi were never meant to survive (until that kid figured out you can make them sleep by changing the games clock).

Fake pixel pets aside, we had a lot of backers. A LOT. And now we are faced with a colossal amount of wallets to produce. We also introduced two brand new models through the campaign, along with a variety of new metal choices and leather finishes. 

Luxurious Abyss

All in all, we ended up having up to 140 possible combinations of our wallets, which is frankly, too many. It's one Twitter character per wallet (sorry, I didn't look up anything that 140 was relevant to).

Ink Stamp Testing

So as we scale the mountains of metals and sail the oceans of leather (I guess), we're soldiering on through the fog of wallet warfare. We've 200 to get out in time for Christmas and many more to ship as well. Day and night we will be grafting to get these wallets made and out to all our backers ASAP. We're covered in fine aluminium dust, lost fingerprints to various adhesives and surrounded by the scent of oils, polishes and luxury leather. The smells are a bonus but being dusty and sticky/glossy isn't too charming.

Delicious Aluminium Dust

We'll be putting out regular updates on Kickstarter about production, shipping and various pictures of stuff happening that might not fit into those two categories.

Meanwhile, we've got Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to keep you somewhat entertained. 

In a bit,

Ryan & the team at Vanacci



Enter Legacy
Enter Legacy

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