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What We Learned This Week

by Ryan Ward August 06, 2015 2 min read


Here's some information and knowledge that we've absorbed this week, like the sponges we are.

Robbie Maddison and DC conquered the ocean in a whole new, incredibly badass way. If you thought boats were sufficient, you need to re-examine your whole thought process.


I don't know how you get to work but I now live on an island just so I can commute this way. So expensive...

Lexus, another well known extreme sports related company, finally unveiled their proper Hoverboard trailer.



Since I can't afford a Lexus but I want to be associated with the prestige of the brand, it seems like the board is the most viable option for me. Unfortunately for pretty much everyone, it only works if the surface beneath it is metal. Thankfully, I live on Cybertron as well (I've moved off the island from earlier in the article) so I can ride this everywhere.

Hopefully, when our planet is eventually terraformed by a race of malevolent sheet steel fabricators, we can all enjoy what Lexus has to offer. For now, best bet is any city with a tram network (Sheffield, Manchester, San Francisco and so on).

After all that excitement, I had to stand up to sit down and prepare myself for the Deadpool trailer.



I enjoyed it as much as I could but I thought it was lacking in wisecracks. But I suppose that I'm supposed to go see it and enjoy the varied buffet of sarcasm, soliloquy and violence that I feel Marvel does so well.

On a related note, my Dad says that Deadpool is basically Ryan Reynolds' character in Blade:Trinity. Does that mean he was already Wade Wilson, disguised as Hannibal King? Is it some ultra-meta-foreshadowing thing? I don't know enough about Marvel characters to make a real decision. But it is strange how much the guy playing Hannibal King and the guy playing Deadpool look alike. Very strange indeed...

Deal with it

In Kickstarter related news, here's some of the projects we've recently backed:

If you're a photographer, filmer or surveillance operative, perhaps Gnarbox is what you need:

Make your life easier. Click here to back Gnarbox.

What if Batman was from Leeds? Surely he'd have a decent utility belt, perhaps named...UTILITY BELT

Belt Up! Click here to back Utility Belt.

That's it for this week even though the week isn't over. But no-one learns anything Friday to Sunday. 


Ryan Ward
Ryan Ward

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