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Five Film Releases to get Excited for in 2017

by Ryan Ward May 11, 2017 2 min read

Five Film Releases to get Excited for in 2017

 2017 is set to be an amazing year for cinematography. There are a few releases that we are looking forward to in particular. Here are the top five film releases to look out for in 2017…

1. Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2

Marvel showed us that we can handle talking raccoons and anthropomorphic trees a couple of years ago. Now, to crank it up a notch, we've got Kurt Russell as a planet and even more dry (read:arid) quips from Drax, new members of the crew and a sweet new fin for Yondu. Somehow, James Gunn has made 'The Empire Strikes Back' of the series so far, with this outing balancing the silliness and humour of the original with more backstory and emotional depth. Absolutely must see.

Watch this if: you’re a fan of the Marvel movies and alive.

 Bonus: Awesome Mix Vol. 2 available on Spotify


L2. Life

You may have already read our spring/summer ’17 jewellery trend post, if you did you will know that space is a big trend for this season. Life comes at just the right time, telling the story of a six-member crew of the International Space Station, who are on the edge of making one of the most important discoveries in human history. Staring Ryan Reynolds, Jake Gyllenhaal and Rebecca Furguson, this star studded move is set for release on March 24th also, first in the U.S followed by nationwide release.

Watch this if: you enjoyed The Martian.

 3. From Nothing Comes a King

Based on Thomas Mallory’s  "Le Morte d'Arthur", which was published in 1485, this historical drama focuses on the loss of a crown, and the crowning of an unexpected king. Staring Jude Law, Idris Elba and Elizabeth Olsen, From Nothing Comes a King is set for nationwide release on the 12th of May.

Watch this if: you enjoy historical movies with lots of action.


4. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man Tells No Tale

Also due for release in May, the fourth instalment of the Pirates of the Caribbean is set to be big. The usual cast is back, including Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom. Exact details of where the Barabossa will take them this time are yet to be revealed, but this film is expected to go down with a bang, with many people greatly anticipating the return of the Pirates of the Caribbean. Out Friday the 26th of May in 2D and 3D. 

Watch this if: you enjoyed the other movies in the series!

5. Beauty and the Beast

This on-screen adaptation of the classic fairy tale features a dark twist. Unlike the story as we know it, the movie of Beauty and the Beast follows a similar style to other adaptations such as Maleficant and Snow White and the Huntsman. With Emma Watson as the lead, the movie has already generated a lot of talk and excitement, and is set to be released on the 17th of March.

Watch this if: you are a fan of the Disney adaptations.

Ryan Ward
Ryan Ward

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